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which of the following statements about informed consent is false?

D) Ethics are laws and regulations pertaining to the behavior of the health care professional. When potential outcomes are severe, people tend to overestimate their probability, regardless of the true probability. The clinical investigator is responsible for ensuring that informed consent is obtained from each research subject before that subject participates in the research study. B) "This tube head always drifts." B) Protected health-related information (PHI) B) "To protect you from possible scatter radiation." B) Appropriate filter color A) CBCT with a small FOV C) A coin is placed on top of the unwrapped film for 10 minutes. Whichever document is used, a copy must be given to the person signing the document. D) is required by law in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The principle of respect recognizes the capacity and rights of all individuals to . 11) When all three anatomical planes are viewed together, this is known as image In the case of non-English speaking subjects, this would be the translated document. 2) Each of the following is an objective of quality control except one. Which one is the exception? The ethical principle that research participants should be told enough about a piece of research to be able to make a decision about whether to participate in it. Which research principle is this a glossary definition of? Informed consent is defined as the patient's choice to have a treatment or procedure which is based on their full understanding of the treatment or procedure, its benefits, its risks, and any alternatives to the particular treatment or procedure. 8) Which of the following is not a goal of the dental radiographer? hWmo6+`HNJ@q/hUt39G,5~wbKt&y/9(8# 7AP(H"YQ2(+P0D[%: VaLmk1* n A) A true test of the safelight uses a film preexposed to a small amount of radiation. The Principles of Research Ethics . Developed in response to human rights violations. Any procedures relating solely to research (e.g., randomization, placebo control, additional tests ) should be explained to the subjects. B) Bisecting technique Pregnant women, fetuses, neonates, children, and prisoners are considered vulnerable populations and are provided additional protection in the DHHS regulations. Yes The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below: To obtain fibroblasts, skin punches were performed following written informed consent from the donor. D) Lateral cephalometric, 8) Which of these extraoral radiographs is most often used to aid in diagnosing temporomandibular joint problems? The site is secure. designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge (An essential consideration is whether it is the intention of the investigator to contribute to generalizable knowledge). When these changes require revision of the informed consent document, the IRB should have a system that identifies the revised consent document, in order to preclude continued use of the older version and to identify file copies. Married minors may sign their own consent for treatment Any adult over 18 years of age may sign his or her own 13. True B. D) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), D) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). A) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Ethical considerations are more relevant in survey research than experimental research. Which of the following is true about the relationship between scientific research and society? If unable to submit comments online, please mail written comments to: Dockets Management D) All of the above, 18) Duplicate radiographs are needed for all of the following except for one. Are risks greater than minimal risk*? Search for FDA Guidance Documents, Guidance for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical Investigators, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Search General and Cross-Cutting Topics Guidance Documents, Assent of Children Elements of Informed Consent, 21 CFR 50.25, Compensation v. Waiver of Subject's Rights, Documentation of Informed Consent, 21 CFR 50.27, "Sponsor-Investigator-IRB Interrelationship", "Emergency Use of an Investigational Drug or Biologic", "Screening Tests Prior to Study Enrollment", "Evaluation of Gender Differences in Clinical Investigations", "Comparison of FDA and HHS Human Subject Protection Regulations", "FDA Acceptance of Foreign Clinical Studies Not Conducted Under an IND: Frequently Asked Questions", "Acceptance of Clinical Data to Support Medical Device Applications and Submissions: Frequently Asked Questions". In some cultures, it is "normal" for a husband to make decisions on behalf of his wife, and the wife can be enrolled in the study as long as it is not against her will B. Minors can provide consent as long as they completely understand the risks and benefits of a study Which one is the exception? Everyone today accepts that Milgrams research was unethical. The ethical principles and federal regulation generated by the Belmont Report provide a framework for IRBs to evaluate research involving human subjects. Informed consent means that researchers should tell participants about which of the following before they agree to participate in research? Decisions about research ethics are always a matter of personal choice. B) Image quality B) Flat panel detector A) Radiation output consistency A) 5 years after the date of exposure. Three Requirements Based on Respect for Persons, obtain and document informed consent [TY14.1], 2. D) Image receptor holding devices and rectangular collimation used to reduce radiation exposure. C) Radiograph risks to subjects should be reasonable in relation to both the potential benefits to the participants and the importance of the knowledge expected to result C) both the original dentist who prescribed the radiographs and a new dentist if the patient leaves the original practice. 5. C) Whenever the child needs them 14. D) One objective of quality control is to identify problems before image quality is compromised. Scientific revolutions are often associated with the introduction of uncertainty into the research process. 6) Which localization technique requires the exposure of an occlusal radiograph? Medical Authorization Form. A) Lateral skull projection 16) In automatic processing, the most likely cause of damp films is that Heightened Awareness of Problems with Unethical Research. The explanation of risks should be reasonable and should not minimize reported adverse effects. Our decisions impact how we use our time and money. B) Orthodontist [Note: the wording of the regulations is provided in italics, followed by explanatory comments.]. Ethical considerations are more relevant in experimental research than survey research. B) "I need you to slowly close." Which one is the exception? B) The fastest film speed currently available should be used for all radiographs. client consent. The IRB should be aware that this element includes a description not only of the benefits to the subject, but to "others" as well. A) a code of ethics. D) In an uncomfortable discussion, avoid eye contact with the patient. D) They must be able to identify errors that occur on dental radiographs. They were first written by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). True or False: Personally identifiable information refers to information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either alone or when combined with other information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual. a statement that the particular treatment or procedure may involve risks to the subject (or to the embryo or fetus, if the subject is or may become pregnant) which . False According to Declaration of Helsinki, physicians may use an unproven intervention. The fundamental ethical principles est. Which of the following is true about ethical research using animals? 12) If you are uncertain of the correct pronunciation of the patient's name, then C) Cone beam correlational tomography Therefore, anyone doing research associated with the university must submit and receive IRB approval before beginning research. A) The purpose of taking radiographs Therefore, the witness must be present during the entire consent interview, not just for signing the documents. C) Field of view B) speaking lower than the patient's educational level to ensure that directions are understood. 8@^"' Tt in the Counseling Relationship . A) When a wall mounted unit is unavailable B) Remove original radiographs from mount and place on duplicator, remove duplicating film from the box and place emulsion-side down, close duplicator cover, set time, depress exposure button and process the film. Which of the following statements is FALSE? Subjects do not have the option to keep their records from being audited/reviewed by FDA. ", 14) Which communication to a patient is contraindicated during radiographic procedures? Study subjects should be informed of the extent to which the institution intends to maintain confidentiality of records identifying the subjects. C) provides and updates evidence-based selection criteria guidelines. The IRB should also be informed of such matters as the timing of obtaining informed consent and of any waiting period (between informing the subject and obtaining the consent) that will be observed. (b) The foreseeable risks to the subjects are low. hb```;@($yecy'9]91sP`! While a translator may be helpful in facilitating conversation with a non-English speaking subject, routine ad hoc translation of the consent document should not be substituted for a written translation. D. An informed decision requires enough reliable information for appropriate judgments. 5) Each of the following statements regarding testing for darkroom light leaks is correct except one. Educational Research Basics by Del Siegle, Making Single-Subject Graphs with Spreadsheet Programs, Using Excel to Calculate and Graph Correlation Data, Instructions for Using SPSS to Calculate Pearsons r, Calculating the Mean and Standard Deviation with Excel, Excel Spreadsheet to Calculate Instrument Reliability Estimates, Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskeegee. Some activities that involve interactions with humans and data gathering may not fit the definition of research with human subjects, since they are designed to accomplish something else, such as in-house quality improvement. 12) Policies and procedures used to reduce the chances a patient will file legal action against the oral health care team is known as D) The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct. While the regulations do not prohibit the use of multiple consent documents, FDA suggests that they be used with caution. Researchers are bound by a code of ethics that includes the following protections for subjects. Which of the following statements by the nurse is appropriate? The procedures subjects will encounter should be outlined in the consent document, or an explanation of the procedures, such as a treatment chart, may be attached to and referenced in the consent document. For example, a survey of college students about their universitys counseling services may be designed to improve the service delivery for students on campus. 13) A qualified health physicist should examine the equipment for which of the following failed tests? As with other required elements, the consent document should contain sufficient information to ensure an informed decision. Research involving survey procedures, interview procedures, or observations of public behavior providing that any disclosure of identifiable information outside the research setting would not place the subjects at risk of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to the subjects financial standing, employability, or reputation (Note: By institution choice, interviews with children and participant observation with children may not be exempt). Is the process for obtaining consent appropriate? D) establishes standards for state certification/licensure of radiographic personnel. To discuss your experiment with other students. C) needed for litigation against the dentist. The consent form that study participants sign should cover the following main points: THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT gives assurance that it will comply with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations for the protection of human research subjects and has set up an Institutional Review Board to review all research associated with the University. A) They should be provided with training opportunities to assure competency. A) They must be able to carry out an effective quality assurance program. In this form, you can collect information like the name of the student, age, existing medical records, and the like. Because it is such a controversial topic, the issues it raises are only worth discussing in relation to medical research. 9) Which of these statements is false? C) The ethics of a profession help guide the behavior of the health care professional. 5) Looking at a full mouth series of radiographs you note that an impacted retained primary root tip can be observed between the right mandibular second premolar and the first molar in the premolar periapical radiograph. C) self-determination. IRBs must either have sufficient expertise among their members or seek expertise through consultation if the members are not familiar with a methodology or population under consideration. D) "Because it's required by law. Directions: Select the. Federal regulations, based on the ethical principle of beneficence, require that risks associated with research be reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits. 8. Which one is the exception? They may be presented at a conference. Five Requirements Based on Beneficence, use procedures that present the least risk to participants consistent with answering the scientific question Which of the following statements is true? The consent document must explain whether there is compensation available in case of injury but must not waive or appear to waive the rights of the subject or release or appear to release those conducting the study from liability for negligence. 9) Each of the following applies to all oral health care team members except one. The Formplus medical authorization form allows schools to collect formal consent from parents and guardians, in the case of a medical emergency involving their wards. Imagine that you are conducting a psychological experiment that has been approved by your institutional ethics committee and two participants object to answering some questions which they consider to be too personal. Although IRBs serve their institutions, they do not represent the interests of their institutions. A) the dentist who originally prescribed the radiographs. 3. Use of first person may be interpreted as presumption of subject consent, i.e., the subject has no choice. For more information, please see our University Websites Privacy Notice. B) Reverse towne You note that the root tip appears to have "moved" mesially in the molar periapical radiograph. If a researcher has completed data collection and is only analyzing data and writing the research results, then IRB renewals are no longer required. IRBs should consider that some insurance and/or other reimbursement mechanisms may not fund care that is delivered in a research context. C) Use in mobile clinics Every interaction in a research context is a communication of some sort, and communications can go awry. While not required by FDA regulations, some IRBs stamp the final copy of the consent document with the approval date. Consent documents should not contain unproven claims of effectiveness or certainty of benefit, either explicit or implicit, that may unduly influence potential subjects. Consent documents for studies of investigational articles should include a statement that a purpose of the study includes an evaluation of the safety of the test article. C) They must know when to prescribe dental radiographs. Certain types of studies qualify for exempt or expedited review. A) Tube-shift method C) evaluate tube head stability. D) Reduce the occurrence of retake radiographs. 7) Which of these statements is false? The Belmont Report outlined three basic ethical principles. 13) To give informed consent, each of the following must be explained to the patient except one. A. -patient must voluntarily give consent. Researchers are bound by a code of ethics that includes the following protections for subjects. The consent form should document the method used for communication with the prospective subject and the specific means by which the prospective subject communicated agreement to participate in the study. B) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) assessing the patient's ability to understand the nature of the condition and various treatment options/outcomes . FDA always reviews these consent documents. 16) Which word is least likely to be understood by the average patient? avoid exploitation of vulnerable populations or populations of convenience, Rationale for an Institutional Review Board (IRB) For example, we usually cannot collect data from minors without parental or guardian permission. A) Legal cases A) Obtain a duplicate copy of a new patient's radiographs if possible. In studies that also evaluate the effectiveness of the test article, consent documents should include that purpose, but should not contain claims of effectiveness. C) Patients may believe radiographs are not necessary or that they will add to treatment costs. A.2. Which one is the exception? Food and Drug Administration C) Quality assurance includes both quality control techniques and quality administration procedures. When no system has been set up to provide funds, the preferred wording is: "no funds have been set aside for" "[the cost] will be billed to you or your insurance," or similar wording that explains the provisions or the process. B) Identify problems as soon as image quality is compromised. C) Lead apron B) dimension. Also see these FDA guidance documents about acceptance of clinical data: Submit comments on this guidance document electronically via docket ID: FDA-2013-S-0610 - Specific Electronic Submissions Intended For FDA's Dockets Management Staff (i.e., Citizen Petitions, Draft Proposed Guidance Documents, Variances, and other administrative record submissions). D) Black darkroom walls, 15) Which of the following indicates a passed coin test? requirements for informed consent. C) Cloud file sharing systems 13) All of the following are indications for using CBCT during endodontic treatment planning except one. 20) A position assumed by the body in connection with a feeling or mood is called A) Both the statement and reason are correct and related. D) "Your radiographs are too dark but we corrected the problem. A) Professional rules of conduct are called a "code of ethics." A) facing the patient directly, maintaining eye contact, and giving specific directions. The investigator then photocopies the consent document for use. 1) What does CBCT stand for? Which of the following statements about informed consent is FALSE? [ TY14.1 ], 2 ensure an informed decision requires enough reliable information for appropriate.... 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which of the following statements about informed consent is false?

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which of the following statements about informed consent is false?