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taylor kills sophia worm fanfic

The Endbringers have never really been defeated, only pushed back. Siberian effect on herself and having multiple projections because of QA. - 10 : Trumpet, Drum, Fife, Banner, A Midsummer Night''s ??? and our She frowned, thinking about how she had crushed that spark whenever she could find it. Unfortunately for them, Sophia finds them first and murders them all from ambush. The story can also be read here on, here on Sufficient, and here on Questionable Questing. Sonngrad backed away from Tiamat, moving to his lords side, whispering his own observations to Bahamut. His slowly expanding collection of tinker abilities and the influence of his new benefactor pulls him into the heart of the conflict about to rock the city and decide the fate of the world. She retracts it when she hears the circumstances. In reality, Coil recruited her himself, in his Thomas Calvert identity, with the intention of her gradually. While Vista and Panacea get punished for violating orders (Taylor gets out because she isn't under the command of the PRT), the action saved several lives by getting Panacea to several people suffering from neurotoxins. Aegis takes one of Sophias tranq darts to the brain; while Panacea saves him, the damage to his Corona Pollentia has made it very likely his cape career is over. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Taylor is initially a shy and awkward teenage girl with a keen interest in capes. You've got a few doubled up words and phrases here and there which are probably formatting errors. I'm sorry. Really happy that this gets its own thread. I'll flesh out the tags and summary as add more chapters, adding characters and relationships as they become relevant. You just have to build them, avoid pissing off your cousin who is only slightly less dangerous than Contessa and survive several endbringers. After using and abusing both of them, this ends up biting him in the ass when his . While it initially seems like Taylor did that unintentionally, it turns out Dragon did it and no one was told otherwise. Both Amy and the doppelganger Nex'rik possess this. The day passed slowly, as Taylor fitfully rested. And all the Wards make a TERRIBLE first meeting with Pisces. But without an enemy, without an opponent or problem, The Undersiders grow complacent in the peace victory provided them. She thinks that the arrest warrants she's being slapped with are fakes supplied by Calvert, presenting her as a criminal, and follows Coil's commands as close as she can, imagining that one day she'll be "revealed" as a hero, never realizing Coil is merely playing her for a fool. It begged to be redressed. Armsmaster brought his bike to a stop outside the doors of Winslow High School, which was now closed for the rest of the week as they determined the extent of the contamination and what it would take to clean it up. Taylor better not bet punished too harshly for this, though. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! No one dares challenge them, no one can stand against them, there's no one that could. Privacy Policy. That I apparently first started working on in 2018 I may have been in this fandom longer than I thought. Which one is right is not confirmed. Shit. Harvey gives her an odd look, but answers her, "Well we're in Stardew Valley, which is at the south-east end of the Ferngill Republic." "Ah got it, thanks." Harvey fixed her with a serious look and then warned, "I don't need to know about what you were doing until now, but Pelican Town is away from all the fighting . Emma is going to have quite the experience when a physics-nullifying mute and stripy version of herself pops out of that locker. Oh and just for shits and giggles you have a brain parasite that gives you powers from multiple dimensions, in exchange for wanting to fight literally everything that breathes and several things that don't. She knew, all too well, what that required. Coil sends a message via Lisa to Taylor. But things only get more complicated when Taylor triggers and Sam has to figure out what kind of hero's they're going to be. ", Smith, be very sure to read her her rights. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Even when Calvert is running around PRT HQ and the three in the Wards Base are forbidden from leaving (Vista, Taylor, Panacea), Vista declares that she doesn't care and gets the three to the Mall. As the sister of Taylor Hebert and daughter of Danny Hebert, she's often dealing with their very stubborn personalities. I'm not aware of any fics where Taylor goes against Piggot specifically. Chapter 18 sees Shadow Stalker ambush and kill all the Undersiders. Alert: This is a story thread. She has nothing but disdain for those she perceives as weak and hates anyone she can't beat in a fight. On an Earth Bet devoid of powers, Taylor manages to get some help before being discharged from the hospital. Sophia is a mean-spirited, hot-tempered and violent teenager who finds anything but negative consequences as encouragement to continue. As for what to expect. This telling the story of a Taylor who didn't join the Undersiders, nor joined up with the Wards.It's still in the early days, I got a general idea of where I want the first 15 chapters to go but no clue on how often I'll be updating it. Some of her changes had been physicalphyiscal in nature. Specifically Shadow Stalker X (Whatever i end up calling Taylor's Cape persona) There had been something odd about that tall girl. Doesn't matter if it's canon-power or alt-power, just something where she snaps and takes her revenge. No "Sophia framed her for an attack", am looking fro actual attacks so I can read Taylor dealing with it. But when one of the five knocks her out, her bugs continue to carry out the last orders she gave them. Chapter 19 shows Shadow Stalker dead at the hands of Taylor's armor. I'm not aware of any fics where Taylor goes against Piggot specifically. That said, the punishment was very light, and was basically there to say that they can't have people running around and disobeying orders, but they do appreciate the results of the broken orders. "The best place for anything truly destructive would be out in the ship's graveyard,". The results of the investigation will determine whether or not you go to jail as an accessory to her crimes, or spend the next decade on half-pay in a containment zone.". Fear not I am here,My master asks for my aid,I am so awesome.. Taylor hoped that spending the summer break after her freshman year on a boat trip searching for a mythical island would be a good way to relax and make some money. I've already read Here Be Dragons. For more information, please see our Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. She didn't know how he'd take her alternate forms, especially the larger one. And the people who tried killing her once she got back to Brockton Bay, including several trained and prepared mercenaries. Warning: Story provides spoilers for Worm. Her parents and friends are dismissive or actively against it, but there is one person who's supportive. Can be found on fanfiction here, on Archive of Our Own here, and on Spacebattles here and here. W-was that a haiku! Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from She turned first to the PRT agent. Exiled has a villain Taylor start a gang that ultimately kills Leviathan. And big. In I Am Skitter, Taylor messes with Emma and Sophia psychologically. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Coil unfortunately happened to want tighter control over his tools as well. And thus we come to the end of the first arc. A Survivor Is Born by Heather Sinclair ( thread, Sufficient Velocity thread) is a Alternate Universe Worm/Tomb Raider (2013) crossover fic. "I'd rather not have something else go terribly wrong today. Given her condition and initial statements, it was being escalated from aggravated assault to attempted homicide. Or I got way into worm, in a very literal way. Since the canon and most AU fics i've read just either 'let it go' or 'they end in jail' for the trio after everything they did to taylor, i find it incredibly disappointing. Hmmm. When Emma and Madison, with Sophia's help, decide to escalate their tormenting of Taylor to a whole new level, things are going to get interesting. And were off in a new thread with a new story! Under the hood of her robes, Taylor could see a teenaged face, freckles, curly brown hair, brown eyes, and an extremely bored look on that face. I like this, you had me at dragons, as long as its not a gamer fic I'm in. Oblivious to what was going on around her, Taylor dreamed And you are? asked the man the police officer had escorted her to. Easy canon, easy life, right? All this because they have not been informed of exactly what have lead up to Pisces joininig. contrary to what everyone else thinks, Taylor didn't give the subconscious order to have her armor snap Shadow Stalker's neck Dragon took control for a second to do that in order to save Taylor's life and to prevent Sophia from escaping. Taylor kills a monster and inherits its power. A few of her mental 'controls' now had labels in Englishenglish, with the draconic scribbled out. Madison Clements has been interested in the Fugly Bob Challenger since she was ten-years-old. It can tell Taylor how to kill anyone or anything (so long as it can be killed in Earth Bet, somehow). Even leaving all of that out, they were about to turn in Sophia and skip town, which would have made everyone's lives easier but that got cut short. while Madison gets a wide-range Tinker shard. It plays with the general premise of Alt-Power Taylor by giving her a variation of her canon powers: In the locker, Taylor Triggers with Khepri powers at Skitter range.. Taylor is completely screwed over by her Powers: after mauling Sophia Hess and accidentally killing Laserdream . Taylor's reaction to Sophia being a Ward seemed odd too, like one moment she's having a breakdown and the next she's perfectly fine with joining the Wards? Taylor breaks Armsmaster's jaw in three places and gives him a concussion, and only some quick talking by Miss Militia keeps things from getting worse. You are using an out of date browser. . JavaScript is disabled. But that won't stop her from flying as high as she can. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Actually, if you read closely, you can see that SS uses the phasing to, While in theory a Trigger involving a power is. He had sensed it, and he was sure she had somehow sensed him. Ultimately an excuse to explore the technology and crafting abilities of multiple sources of fiction. The universe is never going to be the same again. I'm not saying that it wasn't excusable, especially. They turned that last corner and came up the pair sitting there, making light conversation. ", "Nothing of value there, thought it is out in the open. Even if she's learned not to expect any better from Winslow. And if the woman asks for some unusual things during the debriefing, well, it's not like Taylor has any experience on how this sort of thing is supposed to go. The little bit of trial and error while learning the basics Naichi thought she needed to know had actually gotten a few labels on another mental list semi-translated. The stench was powerful, and stomach-turning. As far as Piggot is concerned, she will look at this as a blessing in disguise. "Plenty of plusesplusses - health care, income, support, help with branding - though honestly, I don't see how they could market me as anything other than a dragon. Shadow Stalker is this to the end, in her almost childishly naive belief in Commander Calvert's "orders" to infiltrate Brockton's criminal circles. The orgy of slaughter, blood, and gore required to sate the furnace of her body was the stuff of horrific legend and myth. A collection of Worm-related one-shots. Tattletale knew that following Coil's death, Shadow Stalker would go after them. The Raven, a DC crossover, with Taylor as Raven and Sophia as Huntress. Earning Her Stripes [Worm AU fanfic] . Also completed. After triggering with a far more obvious power and getting into a knock down fight with Sophia in the halls of Winslow, Taylor is press-ganged into the Wards. You must log in or register to reply here. It's a plot cooked up by teenagers using items of uncertain effect. What, why not! Worm Spoilers (Parahumans) Ward Spoilers (Parahumans) this fic is brought to you by the ggst ost; . Yeah, gotta agree with Geoul on the Lisa thing, that interaction just seemed really out of place. With my left hand held up high and my right to my chest, I spoke. I'm really sorry. Refuse to Rescue the Disliked: Amy pretends she can't heal Sophia due to the latter having a concussion after Sophia murders four PRT troopers and tries to kill several more people, including Taylor and Miss Militia. Mom had been a tenured professor of English literature at Brockton Bay University. Dunno. She could handle pain without having her senses addled, hello, survived being eaten alive and poisoned by plague infested bugs in a locker. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Now that she's back home she just wants her life to go back to normal. She'd been taken off the oxygen around mid-morning and was able to enjoy a non-high school cafeteria lunch. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Sophia, in the later parts of the story, starts getting hit again and again with unfortunate circumstances, though a good portion of them are either her fault or an attempt by Coil to make her a disposable asset. T-rated, though individual chapters may have additional warnings on them, as necessary. The orgy of slaughter, blood, and gore required to sate the furnace of her body was the stuff of horrific legend and myth. Cut Strings is a Worm fanfic by Slider, author of Mutant Deviations. Taylor has no powers, but scams her way into the Wards anyway. In which Skitter takes a fall, and Victoria tries to put her back together. 1 2 3. Unlike in canon, Jean-Paul Vasil (alias "Alec") never gave up being a Heartbroken, and continued being Hijack in Brockton Bay, Mastering both Skitter and Tattletale, his erstwhile team-mates. They proceeded to stagger up the steps to the door, and then an attempt to wipe the offal off on the doormat (which had been bagged for evidence) before entering the house. This is honestly my first attempt at long form SFW fiction. Aww, Sophia survived. Played straight when Armsmaster leads an unsanctioned operation along with Clockblocker and Miss Militia to bring Taylor to the PRT in civilian guise. - 06 : That is the question. I'm not very hopeful. The Undersiders have won, it took a year's time, it took blood, sweat, and tears but Brockton Bay is theirs. There's also Revealed, where Taylor airs out the PRT's dirty laundry after they reveal her identity at Arcadia. A slow drive past the Hebert house revealed very little to his eyes, but his scanners had detected some anomalies: Some wind damage to the trees around the house, even though there had been no more than a gentle breeze during the night. I like this option. She had grown somewhat in the last 48 hours, going from her average 5 and a half feet to nearly 6 feet in less than 3 days. Thank you for the typo alerts. Taylor's much too dangerous to be an ordinary cape. "We're going to tell your father that you're conscious, , and we're going to admit you for observation and run a few tests. Taylor kills a monster and inherits its power. Check the wiki for a link. As such, i'm looking for fics where taylor takes active revenge on them, be it non-lethal or lethal force. In Queen of the Swarm, Taylor kills Sophia after Sophia tries and fails to kill Taylor. Worst of them sadly Vista. The police noted that Taylor was no longer a missing person, but, according to her initial statements, had been the victim of a vicious assault. Sophia Hess. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Taylor hesitantly asks. Even after Coil gets killed, she keeps desperately trying to reach Calvert for more orders. It all seems so simple to me. Why not both? In the wise words of Supa Hot Fire: I'm not a rapper. ? her voice cracked. #2. Cookie Notice Taylor shook her head. The Boston Wards invite Weaver to game nightShe's a lot more competitive than they were expecting. It doesn't share any of the blind spots of PtV. One of Taylor's biggest concerns while doing this was her father. Really, really big. Just feels like there was part of the chapter missing where Taylor worked through that issue and decided that it wasn't the PRT's fault or something. Taylor Hebert, A locker, a trio of bullies, and meddling ancient powers. She frowned, thinking about how she had crushed that spark whenever she could find it. So is Taylor getting the powers of the Cheshire Cat? Early August, 2010. In Queen of the Swarm, Taylor kills Sophia after Sophia tries and fails to kill Taylor. Too often it is for worse, and hope is crushed beneath annihilation. As part of a writing experiment that turned into a narrative. This was amazing, still is, and I want more. ", Danny looked horrified. Instead she was marooned on an island of insane cultists, triggered after being kidnapped by cannibals, and then killed a god-queen along with hundreds of her followers. Her slumbers did not last long, because her dreams often woke her, and she was loathe to return to sleep. Taylor pretty much repeated the conversation she'd had with Panacea earlier. It's about Taylor with the ability to reprogram minds/brains, Hero of legacy Its a power rangers crossover but the whole first arc is Taylor going against the prt. I'll have to deal with the restrictions, I guess. Right, one one hand, It's an Ack fic, so it's going to be awesome. Still atleast she got to meet a new 'friend.'. Sophia briefly hesitates when robbing the jewelry store, thinking doing so will turn her into a real criminal. Taylor goes on a murder spree that includes Emma in Charity Begins At Home - beware though, it's not a power fantasy, it's very much a story about a serial killer who loses control of the situation they've put themselves in. Part One: Three Vials. She looked forward to the part of her World Issues class where they discussed capes "since the start of the semester". I love Crouching Tiger Goes to Prison, and Taylor delaing with the fallout of her murders is a huge part of it. Landing in detention the first week of her sophomore year of high school was not how Taylor had been hoping for things to go. It was in this exploration of her being that I discovered, she, Sophia Hess, the torturer of my life, was a Ward. She had seemingly never heard of Trigger Events, but this may have been . Miss, his sister returning to her hatching ground of her. I'm looking for any work in which Taylor finds out about Sophia and just decides to go all out on Piggot/Sophia/the PRT. Labels in Englishenglish, with the intention of her gradually Raven, a trio of,..., please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding @ when robbing the jewelry store, about! Been informed of exactly what have lead up to Pisces joininig, still is, Taylor! And takes her revenge Taylor dreamed and you are in 2018 I may have been in this fandom than! How to kill anyone or anything ( taylor kills sophia worm fanfic long as it can found. 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taylor kills sophia worm fanfic